Friday, 3 May 2013

Intelligences Of Mine

written by: Shafira Alya Ambarasti

I think I've got logical-mathematical intelligence and visual intelligence. Why did I say so? For logical-mathematical, it's because I'm quite good at solving numbers and I often get good scores on math too. And for the visual intelligence, I think I've got this because I'm pretty good at drawing, even though my drawing isn't that good awesome. And... I used to be chosen as one of the traditional dancer when I was still in elementary school but I'm bad at sports, honestly. Does it mean that I've got body intelligence too? Well, perhaps I've got logical-mathematical, visual and a half body intelligence!
Of course everyone has something they aren't good at. So am I. You can say that I'm the worst at sports (except swimming, for this one you can say that I'm a kind of good at it. lol). And then, I'm also bad at music. Why? I've been joining a piano course for like 3 years but my skill on piano DOESN'T EVEN INCREASE. I would be crazy if I had to continue my 3 years life with playing piano in the future. Sorry if I was too much. Could you imagine how bad I am?
When I finish my school, I'd like to be a doctor (just like what I've said on the introduction post before). I think I could be good at this job because to be a doctor, it needs a logical-mathematical intelligence. A doctor also has to be good at drawing human organs, doesn't it? So it needs a visual intelligence as well.

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